Today I got lost trying to get to a park for a play date. Karin (president's wife) got the Campion ladies together, and I didn't have the gps and got lost. Karin directed us via phone, with Ana talking in the back, and I just hope Karin didn't hear my language as I made U-turns and got honked at. I think my sense of direction is off--north just does not seem like north, and so on. I wonder why; I'm sure there's some good scientific explanation, but I just feel like a compass that's lost its magnet. As Fr. War-greg told me, "Our patience is only real when we're in a situation that tests it."
I've got a long way to go. It reminds me of being in Costa Rica, and losing patience with the Costa Rican men who seem to have few words around American women that don't sound like sick cats mewling. I began flipping them the bird, as I walked to work along the side of the road in San Jose. At some point, I didn't even look up: just the finger. Maybe not such a good idea. Don't want to do that here with honking Australians. I should be past that by now. Now I know where TJ gets it. Oops.
We finally got to the *&^ park, and kind Karin came out to meet us; she has three children, her oldest being the same age as my youngest. Helene, the Business Manager's wife, has four kids that I can remember; two older girls, two younger. Like little goats in a new pen, the girls eyed each other and with the help of us older ladies, eventually started talking to each other.
Leone was also there, the wife of the new Dean of Students; her children are little-little guys, very blonde and cute. They've just moved here from up north, in Queensland. It felt funny to be talking about the 'warmer north.'
An interesting part of the conversation was listening to Helene talk about Australian government and culture; we started on this tack because of Australia Day approaching. Helene is a second-generation Dane, and she said, "I have no connection with the Queen; I don't see the reason for a queen at all; she's as far away from Australia as the Queen of Denmark."
Someone else mentioned that this an issue among Australians generally; some feel a deep connection with the constitutional monarchy, and the British Governor General, and a Prime Minister, but others feel it is a pointless connection.
Australia Day is held January 26th, the anniversary of Captain Arthur Phillip's first claiming Australia for Great Britain in the late 1700s. The Governor General and Prime Minister give out awards to various Australians on the eve of Australia Day.
Another Aussie I spoke with later today, who shall remain happily nameless, just said it was a reason to drink a lot ( 'it' being Australia Day, not the Queen, Governor General, or the Prime Minister).
Why did I lose my mind? The gross salary appeared to be about half of what we had budgeted. I envisioned myself busking at Manly Beach to pay for everything else. Not a bad idea. I was already planning this as my new career; Thaddeus tried to calm me down and we went into see Ryan. He looked at us, smiled and said, "They pay here fortnightly, not monthly."
Then laughter. Then we three Americans started having fun with the odd billing cycles here--rent is per week, not month; car payments per month; salaries fortnightly ("roughly 26 pay periods per annum"--what?? why?); who knows what the electrical company does?
We went out in the hall and Geoff and Tony, in the office, gathered around and asked if I was alright. I like the Australian straightforwardness, and want to join in, so I just told them my mistake. They said, "You need a drink for Australia Day."
Tonight we are to have dinner with the Bishop. No idea which one...but exciting anyway.
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